Sunday, January 29, 2012

Review: The Christmas Wedding

The Christmas Wedding
The Christmas Wedding by James Patterson

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I found this on the bestseller's list and was surprised to see the style was completely un-James Patterson-ish. Apparently he writes in more than one genre and I had never realized it. This book is designed to be a feel-good story about a family and the bonds they share.

The odd thing about this book is that it's the second story I've read that featured a woman with multiple boyfriends all willing to wait for her to decide who to marry. It was completely unbelievable the other time and even more unlikely in this one. I can't grasp the concept of wanting to marry someone that can't decide if they really love you. In this case, the three men (all friends) are all content to wait until the wedding day to find out who she chooses.

Few issues here. First, really?!?! Second, how is this even possible? People are going to spend Christmas watching someone get married and give up their own holidays? Third, what about family? Sure, HER family is gathered but what of the men? Do they invite everyone just in case they are going to be the groom and then deal with the embarrassment of all those guests watching them be rejected? Fourth, logistics. What about licenses? And what minister would agree to a wedding to an unknown groom?

You might be wondering how this could be a 3 star book. I'll be is a 1 star book improved by excellent supporting characters. I liked the children enough to bump this up to a 2 1/2, which I rounded to three.

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Review: Just Add Water: Recipes, Storage, Preparation: How to Use Dehydrated Foods and TVP

Just Add Water: Recipes, Storage, Preparation: How to Use Dehydrated Foods and TVP
Just Add Water: Recipes, Storage, Preparation: How to Use Dehydrated Foods and TVP by Barbara Salsbury

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I actually read this in paperback format but it's not an option here.

Not a bad book but much smaller than I expected. There are other books that have more information and more recipes but this would work as a quick reference.

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Review: The Maze

The Maze
The Maze by Catherine Coulter

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I enjoy reading about FBI investigations but this one fell short for me. Dillon Savich is interesting and I would read another book with him, so perhaps I need to go backwards and read The Cove. Lacey Sherlock, however, is maddening. I quit reading the book when I reached the point I couldn't stand her anymore. Dedicating 7 years of your life and going insane (at least in my opinion) with anger, then participating in an FBI manhunt in which you are personally involved? No. Not going to happen.

I didn't finish the book.

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Review: Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos

Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos
Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos by R.L. LaFevers

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Intelligent girl with an innate skill that allows her to see curses goes on an adventure. Good storyline and will be a good series for my daughter in another year or two. The adventures are exciting but not truly dangerous. The plot has enough detail to keep young readers' attention.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Review: Cookin' with Home Storage

Cookin' with Home Storage
Cookin' with Home Storage by Peggy Layton

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This cookbook is definitely designed for people that have pantries filled with 10 pound cans of dried ingredients. Since I happen to be that type of person, I was thrilled with the book. Definitely a good one to have on hand if you are new to preparedness and want to make sure you can use those supplies you are ordering.

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Review: Heaven's Fury: A Novel

Heaven's Fury: A Novel
Heaven's Fury: A Novel by Stephen W. Frey

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Surely there is a diligent, hard-working, intelligent, well-liked, honest police officers in the world. I truly believe this. Why is it that no author has ever met or imagined these people?

This is yet another book that focuses on a policeman that has nothing going for him and if living a life he doesn't like with a wife he doesn't love.

And then we have the expected plot. Guess what happens...yes, a crime occurs that he should be a suspect in but instead of being investigated or stepping aside, he will use his anger and fury to hunt down the criminal and clear his name. *yawn* I think I've read this book several times, just with different cities and different names. Once I realized that, I put the book down. This is a Did Not Finish in my library.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Review: Sisterhood Everlasting

Sisterhood Everlasting
Sisterhood Everlasting by Ann Brashares

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Oh dear God. Can any four women on earth truly be so extremely dysfunctional? First, the woman who can plan out the future in dated letters and guilt-driven expectations. Then the woman that is afraid to commit to a plant and has no issue sleeping on park benches and walking across a state. Third is unable to participate in a real conversation with anyone outside her circle of 8 people and has actually paid someone $16 an hour to talk to her. Rounding out the group is a woman making herself disappear in order to appear to be more.

I tried to like this book. I forced myself through page after page of repetitive drivel. After finishing about 60% of the book I decided that enough was enough. I put it down and I will never, ever, never read another Sisterhood book.

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