Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Review: The Cageless Zoo

The Cageless Zoo
The Cageless Zoo by Thomas K. Carpenter

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Short story on Kindle and I've been reading it on my iPod for a few weeks. Imagine a futuristic story with animals as yet undiscovered. Not just unknown, but some of the scariest predators out there. Then, put them in a zoo with no cages and some mind altering technology that lets them not notice humans. The technology is fun and the animals are creative, both of which I enjoy in a story. Of course, like Jurassic Park, no system is foolproof and a power failure in a sandstorm means disaster.

All in all, I liked it. If this became a full-length book about the people behind the zoo or the scientists studying the animals, I would read it. A book 15 years in the future and featuring children that follow in their dad's footsteps would also be a potentially good read.

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