Thursday, October 20, 2011

Review: Genesis

Genesis by Bernard Beckett

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I read other reviews before posting mine and I'm surprised by the love and amazement heaped on this book. Anax is participating in a 4 hour interview and the book feels like it's written in real-time as a description of occurrences. In fact, it's so close to real-time that I think it took me about 4 hours to finish.

I don't see any connection to 1984. At all. The only thing they share, in my opinion, is that neither book was entertaining or thought-provoking. I'm also curious about the reviewers' opinions about this not being YA because I am completely unable to see this as any level beyond teen.

GoodReads recommendations failed on this one - definitely not a great book for me.

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