Sunday, November 6, 2011

Review: The Unidentified

The Unidentified
The Unidentified by Rae Mariz

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It's unfortunate that I could imagine the world described in the book. High schoolers banned from public gathering, school being all about popularity and friends, betrayals in teen friendships - all of it is completely possible. And when schools already receive things in exchange for pop machines in cafeterias or branded scoreboards in stadiums, how different would this be?

I also liked the trademarks on everything. It supported the book's idea of branding and the value of being 'it' in a world crowded with corporations. My only question is why companies would fight for teen interest because they clearly have little spending control - they don't work, they can't access cars, trains are only available during school hours and the mall has been converted to a school. Everything at the school is given where are they making the money?

View all my reviews

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