Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Review: Testimony

Testimony by Anita Shreve

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This wasn't what I expected of Anita Shreve. The different voices, the constant shifting in time, the minimal story felt like a great idea for a book had been written in this context to allow the characters to show themselves instead of having to write the descriptions of them. I like the behind-the-scenes feel and it was a fun approach. Unfortunately, there were just too many characters I didn't want to learn more about. Everything tied together nicely at the end and we are left with a different view of the incident but it was still so unsatisfactory to me. The behavior, the excuses, the lack of punishment - it all seemed to gloss over the fact that three adults were involved in a sexual situation with a 14 year old girl. Mike, in particular, annoyed me. I skimmed through most of his dialogue and found that the voices I would have enjoyed reading more from were rather limited in appearance. For instance, Sienna's roommate or Owen. I think that a more developed novel would have given me the details I wanted to know.

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