Friday, July 29, 2011

Review: Break No Bones

Break No Bones
Break No Bones by Kathy Reichs

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I like the tv show. I like the books. I wish I could love the books...but I can't. I have read enough of them to realize that the plot format is:
1. Random death that Tempe can't explain
2. Personal crisis in Tempe's life
3. Other related deaths magically discovered and they conveniently link together to prove Tempe's theory
4. At some point, Tempe will make a bad decision that could include going alone to a dangerous spot, keeping secrets from the police or trusting someone not worthy of trust
5. Case closed, everyone goes home

This one had enough forensic information to push it to 3 stars but the story itself is more of a 2 1/2 star.

View all my reviews

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