Sunday, September 11, 2011

Review: The Lincoln Lawyer

The Lincoln Lawyer
The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don't read lawyer books. It's a long-standing habit of mine. However, a friend of mine was reading Michael Connelly and raved about it so I checked it out.

I am so glad I did. Excellent book. The plot twisted and turned and I found myself nervously listening to parts, afraid that things would go wrong for Mickey. The reader was fabulous - as the book started, I thought, "Wow! That's actually what a shark lawyer would sound like!" and it helped push the book up even further in my estimation. I can't say much about the story as I don't want to hint at anything that would give away any of the surprises in the book.

I'm excited to see that Goodreads is listing this book as "Mickey Haller #1" because it suggests that we'll hear more about Mickey! I'll definitely read more!

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