Saturday, November 5, 2011

Review: The Compound

The Compound
The Compound by S.A. Bodeen

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Intriguing book. There is so much post-apocalyptic literature out there but this book takes an opposite stand - what if you had a safe haven and planned to wait out 15 years of nuclear fallout, the walking dead, radiation poisoning and other threatened events? What if you could spend 15 years in an underground, protected compound?

I would like to see this as a more in-depth book. More info on the supplies and the design....explanations of air and water systems...understanding of supplements. As it's lacking these details, it's a quick read and one that gives enough information to make you think about the what-ifs. I loved the ending and am happy to see that this isn't yet another trilogy but instead wraps up nicely.

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