Saturday, November 5, 2011

Review: The Knife of Never Letting Go

The Knife of Never Letting Go
The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Perhaps this is a better book in written form but it's audio version is horrible. It's a 10 disc book and I listened to the first 6. The entire first disc (a little over an hour) is nothing but Todd whining. Most of the second disc (another hour) was mostly dedicated to his stupid decisions, his incapability to form an independent thought and his temper. Oh, and I then endured an entire section of a book where the primary female character refuses to speak. It. Was. Terrible.

I'll be honest, the local dialect was annoyingly filled with 'ain't's and double negatives. Again, maybe in written form you can adapt but in audio it was a constant stream of bad language. And don't even get me started on "effing." Either get up the nerve to actually swear or leave it alone but to make every tenth word be "effing" was annoying. It's not a word. It's a pronunciation of an abbreviation for people that don't want to use real words. F---ing converted to "effing."

This book has 8,114 ratings and over a 4 point average so I tried to stick it out, convinced that I would eventually get to something that made it worthy of reading. Never happened. I quit and never finished it.

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